2012 (alphabetical)
Akhilesh, K.V., Bineesh, K.K.
& White, W.T. (2012): Liopropoma randalli, a new serranid (Teleostei:
Perciformes) fish from the Indian Ocean.
Liopropoma randalli Akhilesh,
Bineesh & White, 2012
Allen, G.R. & Drew,
J.A. (2012): A new species of Damselfish (Pomacentrus: Pomacentridae)
from Fiji and Tonga.
Pomacentrus maafu Allen
& Drew, 2012
aqua, International Journal
of Ichthyology, 18 (3): 171-180.
Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V. (2012): A new species
of Dragonet (Synchiropus: Callionymidae) from Indonesia.
Synchiropus tudorjonesi Allen & Erdmann,
aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology,
18 (1): 9-14.
Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V.
(2012): Reef Fishes of the East Indies.
Acentrogobius cenderawasih
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Amblyglyphidodon flavopurpureus
Allen, Erdmann & Drew, 2012
Amblyglyphidodon silolona
Allen, Erdmann & Drew, 2012
Aspasmichthys alorensis
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Cirrhilabrus humanni
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Forcipiger wanai Allen,
Erdmann & Jones Sbrocco, 2012
Grallenia baliensis Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Iniistius naevus
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Lepadichthys akiko Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Neoglyphidodon mitratus
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Ostorhinchus tricinctus
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Parapercis bimacula Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Parapercis sagma Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Pentapodus komodoensis
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Pseudanthias mica Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Pseudocoris petila Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Pseudochromis tigrinus
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Ptereleotris caeruleomarginata
Allen, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2012
Ptereleotris rubristigma
Allen, Erdmann & Cahyani, 2012
Pteropsaron longipinnis
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Scorpaenodes bathycolus
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Tomiyamichthys gomezi
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Tomiyamichthys nudus
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Tryssogobius sarah Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Vanderhorstia wayag Allen
& Erdmann, 2012
Reef Fishes of the East Indies.
Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research, Perth, Australia. 1292pp. Universitiy
of Hawai'i Press. ISBN: 978-0-9872600-0-0
Allen, G.R. & Unmack, P.J.
(2012): A new species of Rainbowfish (Chilatherina: Melanotaeniidae),
from the Sepik River System of Papua New Guinea.
Chilatherina pagwiensis Allen
& Unmack, 2012
aqua, International Journal
of Ichthyology, 18 (4): 227-237.
Anderson, M.E. (2012): A new
species of Pachycara Zugmayer (Teleostei: Zoarcidae) from off Monterey
Bay, California, USA, with comments on two North Pacific Lycenchelys
Pachycara karenae Anderson,
Anderson, Jr., W.D. & García-Moliner, G.
(2012): A new species of Odontanthias Bleeker (Perciformes: Serranidae:
Anthiinae) from Mona Passage off Puerto Rico, the first record of the genus
from the Atlantic Ocean.
Odontanthias hensleyi Anderson & García-Moliner,
aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology,
18 (1): 25-30.
Anderson, W.D., Jr. & Heemstra, P.C. (2012): Review
of Atlantic and eastern Pacific anthiine fishes (Teleostei: Perciformes:
Serranidae), with descriptions of two new genera.
Baldwinella n. gen. Anderson & Heemstra,
Type species: Pronotogrammus aureorubens
Longley, 1935
Choranthias Anderson & Heemstra, 2012
Type species: Anthias tenuis Nichols,
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society,
102 (2): 1-173.
Ardila Rodriguez, C. A. (2012):
ardilai sp. nov. Una nuevas especie de pez del los Andes del Municipio
de Floridablanca, Departamento de Norte de Santander Colombia.
Astroblepus ardilai Ardila
Rodriguez, 2012
Peces del Departamento de Santander
Colombia. No. 5. 21 pp.
Ardila Rodriguez, C. A. (2012):
ortegai y Astroblepus quispei. Dos nuevas especies des los Andes
del Perú.
Astroblepus ortegai Ardila
Rodriguez, 2012
Astroblepus quispei Ardila
Rodriguez, 2012
Universidad Metropolitana, Departmento
del Atlántico. Barranquilla. 16 pp.
Arnold, R.J. (2012): A new species
of frogfish of the genus Histiophryne (Teleostei: Lophiiformes:
Antennariidae) from Lombok and Komodo, Indonesia.
Histiophryne pogonius
Arnold, 2012
Asai, T., Senou, H. & Hosoya,
K. (2012): Oryzias sakaizumii, a new ricefish from northern Japan
(Teleostei: Adrianichthyidae).
Oryzias sakaizumii Asai,
Senou & Hosoya, 2012
Azpelicueta, M.d.l.M. &
Britski, H.A. (2012): Iheringichthys syi (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae),
a new pimelodid species from upper Paraná basin, Brazil.
Iheringichthys syi Azpelicueta
& Britski, 2012
Babu, K.K.S. (2012): Horaglanis
abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae)
from Kerala, India.
Horaglanis abdulkalami
Babu, 2012
Baldwin, C.C. & Weigt, L.A.
(2012): A New Species of Soapfish (Teleostei: Serranidae: Rypticus),
with Redescription of R. subbifrenatus and Comments on the Use of
DNA Barcoding in Systematic Studies.
Rypticus carpenteri Baldwin
& Weigt, 2012
Balushkin, A.V. (2012): Volodichthys
gen. nov. New Species of the Primitive Snailfish (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes)
of the Southern Hemishpere. Description of New Species V. solovjevae
sp. nov. (Cooperation Sea, the Antarctic).
Volodichthys n. gen.
Balushkin, 2012
Type species: Careproctus
parini Andriashev & Prirodina, 1990
Banyankimbona, G., Vreven, E.
& Snoeks, J. (2012): Barbus devosi, new species from the Malagarazi
River basin in Burundi and Tanzania, East Africa (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae).
Barbus devosi Banyankimbona,
Vreven & Snoeks, 2012
Barbosa, M.A. & Azevedo-Santos,
V.M. (2012): A new species of the catfish genus Trichomycterus (Teleostei:
Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from the rio Paraná basin, southeastern
Trichomycterus pirabitira
Barbosa & Azevedo-Santos, 2012
Barbosa, M.A. & Costa, W.J.E.M.
(2012): Trichomycterus macrophthalmus (Teleostei: Siluriformes:
Trichomycteridae), a new species of catfish from the Paraíba do
Sul river basin, southeastern Brazil.
Trichomycterus macrophthalmus
Barbosa & Costa, 2012
Barbosa, M.A. & Costa, W.J.E.M.
(2012): Trichomycterus puriventris (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae),
a new species of catfish from the rio Paraíba do Sul basin, southeastern
Trichomycterus puriventris
Barbosa & Costa, 2012
Beltrão, H. & Zuanon, J. (2012): Hemiodus
langeanii (Characiformes: Hemiodontidae), a new species from rio Amana,
rio Maués-Açú drainage, Amazon basin, Brazil.
Hemiodus langeanii Beltrão & Zuanon,
Bhoite, S., Jadhav, S. &
Dahanukar, N. (2012): Balitora laticauda, a new species of stone
loach (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Balitoridae) from Krishna River, northern
Western Ghats, India.
Balitora laticauda Bhoite,
Jadhav & Dahanukar, 2012
Bichuette, M.E. & Rizzato,
P.P. (2012): A new species of cave catfish from Brazil, Trichomycterus
rubbioli sp.n., from Serra do Ramalho karstic area, São Francisco
River basin, Bahia State (Silurifomes [sic!]: Trichomycteridae).
Trichomycterus rubbioli
Bichuette & Rizzato, 2012
Birindelli, J.L.O., Lima, F.C.T.
& Britski, H.A. (2012): New species of Pseudanos Winterbottom,
1980 (Characiformes: Anostomidae), with notes on the taxonomy of P.
gracilis and P. trimaculatus.
Pseudanos varii Birindelli,
Lima & Britski, 2012
Bogutskaya, N.G., Zupancic,
P., Bogut, I. & Naseka, A.M. (2012): Two new freshwater fish species
of the genus Telestes (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) from karst poljes
in Eastern Herzegovina and Dubrovnik littoral (Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Telestes dabar Bogutskaya
al., 2012
Telestes miloradi Bogutskaya
al., 2012
Bragança, P.H.N., Costa,
W.J.E.M. & Gama, C.S. (2012): Poecilia waiapi, a new poeciliid
from the Jari river drainage, northern Brazil (Cyprinodontiformes: Cyprinodontoidei).
Poecilia waiapi Bragança,
Costa & Gama, 2012
Britski, H.A., Birindelli, J.L.O.
& Garavello, J.C. (2012): A new species of Leporinus Agassiz,
1829 from the upper Rio Paraná basin (Characiformes, Anostomidae)
with redescription of L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1850 and L.
obtusidens (Valenciennes, 1837).
Leporinus piavussu Britski,
Birindelli & Garavello, 2012
Britz, R., Ali, A. & Philip, S. (2012): Dario
urops, a new species of badid fish from the Western Ghats, southern
India (Teleostei: Percomorpha: Badidae).
Dario urops Britz, Ali & Philip, 2012
Britz, R., Ali, A. & Raghavan,
R. (2012): Pangio ammophila, a new species of eel-loach from Karnataka,
southern India (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae).
Pangio ammophila Britz,
Ali & Raghavan, 2012
Britz, R., Kottelat, M. &
Tan, H.H. (2012): Fangfangia spinocleithralis, a new genus and species
of miniature cyprinid from Kalimantan Tengah, Borneo, Indonesia (Teleostei:
Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae).
Fangfangia n. gen. Britz,
Kottelat & Tan, 2012
Type species: Fangfangia
spinocleithralis Britz, Kottelat & Tan, 2012
Britz, R., Kumar, K. & Baby, F. (2012): Pristolepis
rubripinnis, a new species of fish from southern India (Teleostei:
Percomorpha: Pristolepididae).
Pristolepis rubripinnis Britz, Kumar &
Baby, 2012
Burgess, W.E. (2012): A New
Species of Goby Cichlid of the Genus Eretmodus, E. marksmithi,
(Pisces: Cichlidae) from the Northern Part of Lake Tanganyika / Nowy gatunek
pielegnicy "babki" z rodzaju Eretmodus, E. marksmithi, (Pisces:
Cichlidae) z pólnocnej czesci jeziora Tanganika.
Eretmodus marksmithi Burgess,
Tanganika Magazyn, 12:
Cao, L., Causse, R. & Zhang,
E (2012): Revision of the loach species Barbatula nuda (Bleeker
1865) (Pisces: Balitoridae) from North China, with a description of a new
species from Inner Mongolia.
Barbatula gibba Cao et
al., 2012
Cardoso, Y.P., Almirón,
A., Casciotta, J., Aichino, D., Lizarralde, M.S. & Montoya-Burgos,
J.I. (2012): Origin of species diversity in the catfish genus Hypostomus
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) inhabiting the Paraná river basin,
with the description of a new species.
Carvalho, M. & Datovo, A.
(2012): A New Species of Cascudinho of the Genus Hisonotus (Siluriformes:
Loricariidae: Hypoptopomatinae) from the Upper Rio Tapajós Basin,
Hisonotus bockmanni Carvalho
& Datovo, 2012
Casciotta, J., Almirón,
A., Piálek, L. & Rícan, O. (2012): Cyanocharax obi,
a new species (Characiformes: Characidae) and the first record of the genus
from tributaries of the río Paraná basin, Argentina.
Chen, I.-S., Jaafar, Z. &
Shao, K.-T. (2012): A new Obliquogobius Koumans, 1941 (Teleostei:
Gobiidae) from Kumejima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Pp. 269-273 In: Naruse,
T., Chan, T.-Y., Tan, H.H., Ahyong, S.T. & Reimer, J.D. (2012) Results
of the Marine Biodiversity Expedition KUMEJIMA 2009. Zootaxa,
3367: 1280.
Obliquogobius fluvostriatus
Chen, Jaafar & Shao, 2012
Chen, I.-S., Suzuki, T. &
Shao, K.-T. (2012): A new deepwater goby of the genus Discordipinna
Hoese & Fourmanoir, 1978 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Kumejima of the
Ryukyus, Japan. Pp. 274-280 In: Naruse, T., Chan, T.-Y., Tan, H.H., Ahyong,
S.T. & Reimer, J.D. (2012) Results of the Marine Biodiversity Expedition
KUMEJIMA 2009. Zootaxa, 3367: 1280.
Discordipinna filamentosa
Chen, Suzuki & Shao, 2012
Chen, X.-Y. & Neely, D.A.
(2012): Schistura albirostris, a new nemacheiline loach (Teleostei:
Balitoridae) from the Irrawaddy River drainage of Yunnan Province, China.
Schistura albirostris
Chen & Neely, 2012
Chen, Z.-M., Pan, X.-F., Xiao,
H. & Yang, J.-X. (2012): A new cyprinid species, Placocheilus dulongensis,
from the upper Irrawaddy system in northwestern Yunnan, China.
Placocheilus dulongensis
Chen, Pan, Xiao & Yang, 2012
Anzeiger, 251 (3): 215222.
note: This name appeared first
in a description from 2006, but is missing any statement about the existance
of type specimens, which is mandatory acc. to Art. 16.4. of the ICZN: "...must
be accompanied in the original publication...16.4.2. where the holotype
or syntypes are extant specimens, by a statement of intent that they will
be (or are) deposited in a collection and a statement indicating the name
and location of that collection".
Chen, Z., Yang, J. & Yang,
J. (2012): Description of a new species of the genus Yunnanilus
Nichols, 1925 (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Yunnan, China.
Yunnanilus niulanensis
Chen, Yang & Yang, 2012
Chiang, M.-C. & Chen, I-S.
(2012): A new species of the genus Helcogramma (Blenniiformes, Tripterygiidae)
from Taiwan.
Helcogramma williamsi
Chiang & Chen, 2012
Coad, B.W. & Bogutskaya,
N.G. (2012): A new species of riffle minnow, Alburnoides holciki,
from the Hari River basin in Afghanistan and Iran (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae).
Alburnoides holciki Coad
& Bogutskaya, 2012
Costa, W.J.E.M. (2012): Melanorivulus
pindorama, a new killifish from the Tocantins River drainage, central
Brazilian Cerrado (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae).
Melanorivulus pindorama
Costa, 2012
Costa, W.J.E.M. (2012): Simpsonichthys
margaritatus, a new seasonal miniature killifish from the upper Paraná
River basin, central Brazilian Cerrado (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae).
Simpsonichthys margaritatus
Costa, 2012
Costa, W.J.E.M. (2012): Two
new species of Melanorivulus from the Caiapós hill, upper
Araguaia river basin, Brazil (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae).
Melanorivulus kunzei
Costa, 2012
Melanorivulus ubirajarai
Costa, 2012
Costa, W.J.E.M., Amorim, P.F.,
& Mattos, J.L.O. (2012): Species delimitation in annual killifishes
from the Brazilian Caatinga, the Hypsolebias flavicaudatus complex
(Cypriniformes: Rivulidae): implications for taxonomy and conservation.
Hypsolebias gilbertobrasili
Costa, 2012
Hypsolebias nitens Costa,
Hypsolebias pterophyllus
Costa, 2012
Hypsolebias radiseriatus
Costa, 2012
Hypsolebias sertanejo
Costa, 2012
Covain, R., Fisch-Muller, S.,
Montoya-Burgos, J.I., Mol, J.H., Le Bail, P.Y. & Dray, S. (2012): The
Harttiini (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from the Guianas: a multi-table
approach to assess their diversity, evolution, and distribution.
Cteniloricaria napova
Covain & Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttia fluminensis Covain
& Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttia tuna Covain &
Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttiella intermedia
Covain & Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttiella janmoli Covain
& Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttiella longicauda
Covain & Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttiella lucifer Covain
& Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttiella parva Covain
& Fisch-Muller, 2012
Harttiella pilosa Covain
& Fisch-Muller, 2012
Datovo, A., Carvalho, M. & Ferrer, J. (2012):
A new species of the catfish genus Trichomycterus from the La Plata
River basin, southern Brazil, with comments on its putative phylogenetic
position (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae).
Trichomycterus perkos Datovo, Carvalho &
Ferrer, 2012
de Oliveira, R.R., Rapp Py-Daniel,
L., Zuanon, J. & Rocha, M.S. (2012): A New Species of the Ornamental
Catfish Genus Peckoltia (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Rio Xingu
Basin, Brazilian Amazon.
Peckoltia feldbergae
de Oliveira et. al., 2012
de Santana, C.D. & Cox Fernandes,
C. (2012): A New Species of Sexually Dimorphic Electric Knifefish from
the Amazon Basin, Brazil (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae).
Apteronotus lindalvae
de Santana & Cox Fernandes, 2012
de Santana, C.D. & Vari,
R.P. (2012): New Species of Adontosternarchus (Gymnotiformes, Apteronotidae)
from the Rio Purus Basin, Brazil.
Adontosternarchus duartei
Santana & Vari, 2012
del Moral Flores, L.F., Tello-Musi,
J.L. & Martínez-Pérez, J.A. (2012): Descripción
de una nueva especie del género Hypoplectrus (Actinopterigy:
Serranidae) del Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, suroeste del Golfo de México.
Hypoplectrus castroaguirrei
del Moral Flores, Tello-Musi & Martínez-Pérez, 2012
Revista de Zoología(Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México), 22 [2011]: 1-10.
DiBattista, J.D., Randall, J.E.
& Bowen, B.W. (2012): Review of the round herrings of the genus Etrumeus
(Clupeidae: Dussumieriinae) of Africa, with descriptions of two new species
/ Revue des shadines rondes africaines du genre Etrumeus (Clupeidae
: Dussumieriinae) et description de deux nouvelles espèces.
Etrumeus golanii DiBattista,
Randall & Bowen, 2012
Etrumeus wongratanai
DiBattista, Randall & Bowen, 2012
Dishma, M. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Barilius profundus, a new cyprinid fish (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
from the Koladyne basin, India.
Barilius profundus Dishma
& Vishwanath, 2012
Doadrio, I., Perea, S. &
Yahyaoui, A. (2012): Morphological and molecular analyses of freshwater
blennids: A new species of the genus Salaria Forsskål, 1775
(Actinopterygii, Blennidae) in Morocco.
Salaria atlantica Doadrio,
Perea & Yahyaoui, 2012
Dooley, J.K. & Iwatsuki,
Y. (2012): A new species of deepwater tilefish (Percoidea: Branchiostegidae)
from the Philippines, with a brief discussion of the status of tilefish
Branchiostegus saitoi
Dooley & Iwatsuki, 2012
Du, C.-X. Zhang, E & Chan,
B.P.L. (2012): Traccatichthys tuberculum, a new species of nemacheiline
loach from Guangdong Province, South China (Pisces: Balitoridae).
Traccatichthys tuberculum
Du et al., 2012
Dunz, A.R. & Schliewen, U.K. (2012): Description
of a rheophilic Tilapia species Smith, 1840 (Teleostei: Cichlidae)
from Guinea with comments on Tilapia rheophila Daget, 1962.
Tilapia konkourensis Dunz & Schliewen,
Dunz, A., Vreven, E. & Schliewen,
U.K. (2012): Congolapia, a new cichlid genus from the central Congo
basin (Perciformes: Cichlidae).
Congolapia n. gen. Dunz,
Vreven & Schliewen, 2012
Type species: Tilapia
Congolapia louna Dunz
& al., 2012
Duplain, R.R., Chapleau, F.
& Munroe, T.A. (2012): A New Species of Trinectes (Pleuronectiformes:
Achiridae) from the Upper Río San Juan and Río Condoto, Colombia.
Trinectes hubbsbollinger
Duplain et. al., 2012
Dutra, G.M., Wosiacki, W.B. & de Pinna, M.C.C.
(2012): Trichomycterus anhanga, a new species of miniature catfish
related to T. hasemani and T. johnsoni (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae)
from the Amazon basin, Brazil.
Trichomycterus anhanga Dutra, Wosiacki &
de Pinna, 2012
Endo, H. & Nashida, K. (2012): Glossanodon
microcephalus, a New Argentine Fish from Japan and the South China
Sea (Protacanthopterygii: Argentinidae).
Glossanodon microcephalus Endo & Nashida,
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
A., Supplement No. 6: 1726.
Erk'akan, F. (2012): Two New
(Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) Species from Western Turkey.
Oxynoemacheilus atili
Erk'akan, 2012
Oxynoemacheilus mesudae
Erk'akan, 2012
Fernández, L. & Vari,
R.P. (2012): New Species of Trichomycterus (Teleostei: Siluriformes)
from the Andean Cordillera of Argentina and the Second Record of the Genus
in Thermal Waters.
Trichomycterus minus
Fernández & Vari, 2012
Fisch-Muller, S., Montoya-Burgos,
J.I., Le Bail, P.Y. & Covain, R. (2012): Diversity of the Ancistrini
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Guianas: the Panaque group,
a molecular appraisal with descriptions of new species.
Panaqolus koko Fisch-Muller
& Covain, 2012
Peckoltia capitulata
Fisch-Muller & Covain, 2012
Peckoltia otali Fisch-Muller
& Covain, 2012
Peckoltia simulata Fisch-Muller
& Covain, 2012
Flynn, A.J. & Klepadlo,
C. (2012): Two new species of Photonectes (Teleostei: Stomiidae)
from the Indo-Pacific, and a re-examination of P. achirus.
Photonectes paxtoni Flynn
& Klepadlo, 2012
Photonectes paxtoni Flynn
& Klepadlo, 2012
Fraser, T.H. (2012): A new species
of deeper dwelling West Pacific cardinalfish (Percomorpha: Apogonidae)
with a redescription of Ostorhinchus atrogaster.
Ostorhinchus aphanes
Fraser, 2012
Fricke, R. & Golani, D.
Limnichthys marisrubri, a new species of sand diver (Teleostei:
Creediidae) from the Red Sea.
Limnichthys marisrubri
Fricke & Golani, 2012
Fu, C., Li, G., Xia, R., Li,
J. & Lei, G. (2012): A multilocus phylogeny of Asian noodlefishes Salangidae
(Teleostei: Osmeriformes) with a revised classification of the family.
Neosalangichthys n. gen.
Fu, Li, Xia, Li & Lei, 2012 (online pre-publication
in 2011)
Type species: Salangichthys
ishikawae Wakiya & Takahashi, 1913
Garavello, J.C., Britski, H.A. & Zawadzki, C.H.
(2012): The cascudos of the genus Hypostomus Lacépède
(Ostariophysi: Loricariidae) from the rio Iguaçu basin.
Hypostomus nigropunctatus Garavello, Britski
& Zawadzki, 2012
Geetakumari, K. (2012): Parambassis bistigmata,
a new species of glassperch from north-eastern India (Teleostei: Ambassidae).
Parambassis bistigmata Geetakumari, 2012
Geetakumari, K. & Basudha,
C. (2012): Parambassis waikhomi, a new species of glassfish (Teleostei:
Ambassidae) from Loktak Lake, northeastern India.
Parambassis waikhomi
Geetakumari & Basudha, 2012
Gill, A.C., Allen, G.R. &
Erdmann, M. (2012): Two new dottyback species of the genus Pseudochromis
southern Indonesia (Teleostei: Pseudochromidae).
Pseudochromis oligochrysus
Gill, Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Pseudochromis rutilus
Gill, Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Gill, A.C., Allen, G.R. &
Erdmann, M. (2012): Two new species of striped Pseudochromis from
the Philippine Islands and Indonesia, with a redescription of P. colei
(Perciformes: Pseudochromidae).
Pseudochromis ammeri Gill,
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Pseudochromis eichleri Gill,
Allen & Erdmann, 2012
Gill, A.C. & Mooi, R.D.
(2012): Thalasseleotrididae, new family of marine gobioid fishes from New
Zealand and temperate Australia, with a revised definition of its sister
taxon, the Gobiidae (Teleostei: Acanthomorpha).
Thalasseleotrididae n. fam.
Type genus: Thalasseleotris
Hoese & Larson, 1987 (type species Thalasseleotris adela Hoese
& Larson, 1987)
Gon, O. & Allen, G.R. (2012):
Revision of the Indo-Pacific cardinalfish genus Siphamia (Perciformes:
Siphamia arabica Gon
& Allen, 2012
Siphamia brevilux Gon
& Allen, 2012
Siphamia cyanophthalma
Gon & Allen, 2012
Siphamia fraseri Gon
& Allen, 2012
Siphamia goreni Gon &
Allen, 2012
Siphamia randalli Gon
& Allen, 2012
Siphamia senoui Gon &
Allen, 2012
Siphamia spinicola
Gon & Allen, 2012
Siphamia stenotes Gon
& Allen, 2012
Greenfield, D.W. (2012): Austrobatrachus
iselesele, a new toadfish species from South Africa (Teleostei: Batrachoididae).
Austrobatrachus iselesele
Greenfield, 2012
Greenfield, D.W. (2012): Colletteichthys
occidentalis, a new Toadfish Species from the Arabian Peninsula and
Northern Arabian Sea (Teleostei: Batrachoididae).
Colletteichthys occidentalis
Greenfield, 2012
Greenfield, D.W. & Allen,
G.R. (2012): Eviota fallax, a New Dwarfgoby from the Western Pacific
(Teleostei: Gobiidae).
Eviota fallax Greenfield
& Allen, 2012
Greenfield, D.W., Bineesh, K.K.
& Akhilesh, K.V. (2012): Colletteichthys flavipinnis, a new
toadfish species from Sri Lanka and India (Teleostei: Batrachoididae).
Colletteichthys flavipinnis
Greenfield, Bineesh & Akhilesh, 2012
Greenfield, D.W. & Jewett,
S.L. (2012): Two new Gobiid fishes of the genus Eviota from the
Indian Ocean (Teleostei: Gobiidae).
Eviota notata Greenfield
& Jewett, 2012
Eviota springeri Greenfield
& Jewett, 2012
Greenfield, D.W. & Suzuki,
T. (2012): Eviota atriventris, a New Goby Previously Misidentified
as Eviota pellucida Larson (Teleostei: Gobiidae).
Eviota atriventris Greenfield
& Suzuki, 2012
Greenfield, D.W. & Winterbottom,
R. (2012): Two new dwarfgobies from the Southwestern Pacific Ocean (Teleostei:
Gobiidae: Eviota).
Eviota jewettae Greenfield
& Winterbottom, 2012
Eviota pinocchioi Greenfield
& Winterbottom, 2012
Grudpan, C. & Grudpan, J.
(2012): Thryssocypris wongrati, a new anchovy-like cyprinid (Cypriniformes)
from the Chao Phraya basin, Thailand.
Thryssocypris wongrati
Grudpan & Grudpan, 2012
Gu, J.-H. & Zhang, E. (2012): Homatula laxiclathra
(Teleostei: Balitoridae), a new species of nemacheiline loach from the
Yellow River drainage in Shaanxi Province, northern China.
Homatula laxiclathra Gu & Zhang, 2012
Guan, Z.-C., Tang, W.-Q. &
Wu, H.-L. (2012): One new species of the genus Evynnis from China
(Perciformes, Sparidae).
Evynnis mononematos Guan,
Tang & Wu, 2012
He, C., Zhang, E & Song,
Z. (2012): Triplophysa pseudostenura, a new nemacheiline loach (Cypriniformes:
Balitoridae) from the Yalong River of China.
Triplophysa pseudostenura
He et al., 2012
Heemstra, P.C. & Akhilesh,
K.V. (2012): A review of the anthiine fish genus Pseudanthias (Perciformes:
Serranidae) of the western Indian Ocean, with description of a new species
and a key to the species.
Pseudanthias pillai Heemstra
& Akhilesh, 2012
aqua, International Journal
of Ichthyology, 18 (3): 121-164.
Herder, F., Hadiaty, R. K. &
Nolte, A. W. (2012): Pelvic-fin brooding in a new species of riverine ricefish
(Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Adrianichthyidae) from Tana Toraja, Central
Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Oryzias eversi Herder,
Hadiaty & Nolte, 2012
Hibino, Y., Ho, H.-C. &
Kimura, S. (2012): A new worm eel Neenchelys mccoskeri (Anguilliformes:
Ophichthidae) from Taiwan and Japan.
Neenchelys mccoskeri
Hibino, Ho & Kimura, 2012
Hiramatsu, W. & Yoshino, T. (2012): A New Tilefish,
okinawaensis (Perciformes: Branchiostegidae), from Okinawa Island,
Southern Japan.
Branchiostegus okinawaensis Hiramatsu &
Yoshino, 2012
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
A., Supplement No. 6:
Ho, H.-C., Chang, C.-H. &
Shao, K.-T. (2012): Two new sandperches (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae: Parapercis)
from South China Sea, based on morphology and DNA barcoding.
Parapercis kentingensis
Ho, Chang & Shao, 2012
Parapercis rubromaculata
Ho, Chang & Shao, 2012
Ho, H.-C. & Johnson, D.
(2012): Protoblepharon mccoskeri, a new flashlight fish from eastern
Taiwan (Teleostei: Anomalopidae).
Protoblepharon mccoskeri
Ho & Johnson, 2012
Hoese, D. & Allen, G.R.
(2012): A review of the amphidromous species of the Glossogobius celebius
complex, with description of three new species.
Glossogobius clitellus
Hoese & Allen, 2012
Glossogobius illimis
Hoese & Allen, 2012
Glossogobius munroi Hoese
& Allen, 2012
Hoese, D.F. & Stewart, A.L.
(2012): A new species of the gobiid genus Eviota (Teleostei: Gobioidei)
from the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand.
Eviota kermadecensis
Hoese & Stewart, 2012
Holleman, W. & Bogorodsky, S.V. (2012): A review
of the blennioid fish family Tripterygiidae (Perciformes) in the Red Sea,
with description of Enneapterygius qirmiz, and reinstatement of
altipinnis Clark, 1980.
Enneapterygius qirmiz Holleman & Bogorodsky,
Holleman, W., von der Heyden,
S. & Zsilavecz, G. (2012): Delineating the fishes of the Clinus
superciliosus species complex in southern African waters (Blennioidei:
Clinidae: Clinini), with the validation of Clinus arborescens Gilchrist
& Thompson, 1908 and Clinus ornatus Gilchrist & Thompson,
1908, and with descriptions of two new species.
Clinus exasperatus Holleman
al., 2012
Clinus musaicus Holleman
al., 2012
Huber, J. H. (2012): Description
of Yssolebias, nov. gen., a new monotypic fish genus for an old
and phantom species of Colombia.
Yssolebias n. gen. Huber,
Type species: Cyprinodon
martae Steindachner, 1876
Killi-Data Series, 2012,
Husain, A. (2012): Description
of a new species of fish, Barilius pectoralis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae:
Danininae) from Uttarakhand.
Barilius pectoralis Husain,
2012 (at
present published only online and is not fullfilling Article 8.5 of the
amendment of the ICZN)
Huylebrouck, J., Hadiaty, R.K.
& Herder, F. (2012): Nomorhamphus rex, a new species of viviparous
halfbeak (Atherinomorpha: Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae) endemic to Sulawesi
Selatan, Indonesia.
Nomorhamphus rex Huylebrouck,
Hadiaty & Herder, 2012
Iglésias, S.P., Dettai, A. & Ozouf-Costaz,
C. (2012): Barbapellis pterygalces, new genus and new species of
a singular eelpout (Zoarcidae: Teleostei) from the Antarctic deep waters.
Barbapellis n. gen. Iglésias, Dettai
& Ozouf-Costaz, 2012 (online pre-publication
in 2011)
Barbapellis pterygalces Iglésias, Dettai
& Ozouf-Costaz, 2012 (online pre-publication
in 2011)
Iglésias, S.P. &
Lévy-Hartmann, L. (2012): Bathyraja leucomelanos, a new species
of softnose skate (Chondrichthyes: Arhynchobatidae) from New Caledonia.
Bathyraja leucomelanos
Iglésias & Lévy-Hartmann, 2012
Iwatsuki, Y., Jawad, L.A. &
Al-Mamry, J.M. (2012): Johnius (Johnius) majan sp.
nov., a sciaenid fish (Pisces: Sciaenidae) from Oman, Indian Ocean.
Johnius majan
Iwatsuki, Jawad & Al-Mamry, 2012
Iwatsuki, Y., Pogonoski, J.J.
& Last, P. (2012): Revision of the genus Parequula (Pisces:
Gerreidae) with a new species from southwestern Australia.
Parequula elongata Iwatsuki,
Pogonoski & Last, 2012
Jang-Liaw, N.-H., Gong, Y.-H. & Chen, I-S. (2012):
A new marine gobiid species of the genus Clariger Jordan & Snyder
(Gobiidae, Teleostei) from Taiwan.
Clariger taiwanensis Jang-Liaw, Gong &
Chen, 2012
Javed, M.N., Azizullah &
Pervaiz, K. (2012): Racoma ramzani, A New Snow Carp (Teleostei:
Cyprinidae: Schizothoracinae) From Pakistan.
Racoma ramzani Javed
et al., 2012
Ji, H.-S. & Kim, J.-K. (2012):
A new species of prickleback, Dictyosoma tongyeongensis (Perciformes:
Stichaeidae) from the South Sea of Korea.
Dictyosoma tongyeongensisJi
& Kim, 2012
Jiang, W., Ng, H.H., Yang, J. & Chen, X. (2012):
A taxonomic review of the catfish identified as Glyptothorax zanaensis
(Teleostei: Siluriformes: Sisoridae), with the descriptions of two new
Glyptothorax fucatus Jiang, Ng, Yang &
Chen, 2012
Glyptothorax granosus Jiang, Ng, Yang &
Chen, 2012
Jiang, Z.-G., Gao, E.-H. &
Zhang, E (2012): Microphysogobio nudiventris, a new species of gudgeon
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from the middle Chang-Jiang (Yangtze River) basin,
Hubei Province, South China.
Microphysogobio nudiventris
Jiang et al., 2012
Johnson, G.D., Ida, H., Sakaue, J., Sado, T., Asahida,
T. & Miya, M. (2012): A living fossil eel (Anguilliformes: Protanguillidae,
fam. nov.) from an undersea cave in Palau.
Protanguilla n. gen. Johnson, Ida & Miya,
2012 (online pre-publication in 2011) (originally
the genus was spelled in the prepublication
Protoanguilla and the
family Protoanguillidae, but this was preoccupied by Protoanguilla
Cadrobbi, 1962. To avoid homonymy it was later changed to Protanguilla
and Protanguillidae)
Type species: Protanguilla palau Johnson,
Ida & Sakaue, 2012 (online pre-publication in
Johnson, J.W. (2012): Pseudopataecus
carnatobarbatus, a new species of velvetfish (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes:
Aploactinidae) from the Kimberley coast of Western Australia.
Pseudopataecus carnatobarbatus
Johnson, 2012
Johnson, J.W. & White, W.T. (2012): Parapercis
pariomaculata (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae), a new species of sandperch
from Lombok and Bali, Indonesia and remarks on the validity of P. quadrispinosa
(Weber 1913).
Parapercis pariomaculata Johnson & White,
Joshi, K.K., Zacharia, P.U.
& Kanthan, P. (2012): Description of a new sand lance species, Bleekeria
murtii (Perciformes: Ammodytidae) from India.
Bleekeria murtii Joshi,
Zacharia & Kanthan, 2012
Kadarusman, Hadiaty, R.K., Segura,
G., Setia Wibawa, G., Caruso, D. & Pouyaud, L. (2012): Four new species
of Rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) from Arguni Bay, West Papua, Indonesia
Quatre nouvelles espèces de poissons arc-en-ciel (Melanotaeniidae)
de la baie dArguni en Papouasie occidentale, Indonésie.
Melanotaenia arguni Kadarusman
al., 2012
Melanotaenia urisa Kadarusman
al., 2012
Melanotaenia veoliae
Kadarusman et al., 2012
Melanotaenia wanoma Kadarusman
al., 2012
Kangrang, P., Page, L.M. &
Beamish, W.H. (2012): Schistura tenebrosa, a new species of loach
from the Kwai Noi River system, Mae Khlong basin, Thailand (Teleostei:
Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang
al., 2012
Katayama, E., Motomura, H. &
Endo, H. (2012): A new species of Trichonotus (Perciformes: Trichonotidae)
from Somalia and redescription of Trichonotus cyclograptus (Alcock,
1890) with designation of a lectotype.
Trichonotus somaliensis Katayama,
Motomura & Endo, 2012
Keith, P., Allen, G., Lord,
C. & Hadiaty, R. (2012): Five new species of Sicyopterus (Gobioidei:
Sicydiinae) from Papua New Guinea and Papua.
Sicyopterus calliochromus
Allen & Lord, 2012
Sicyopterus erythropterus
Allen & Lord, 2012
Sicyopterus lengguru Keith,
Lord & Hadiaty, 2012
Sicyopterus ocellaris Keith,
Allen & Lord, 2012
Sicyopterus stiphodonoides
Allen & Lord, 2012
Keith, P., Hadiaty, R.K. &
Lord, C. (2012): A new species of Belobranchus (Teleostei: Gobioidei:
Eleotridae) from Indonesia / Une espèce nouvelle de Belobranchus
(Teleostei: Gobioidei: Eleotridae) dIndonésie.
Belobranchus segura Keith,
Hadiaty & Lord, 2012
Khynriam, D. & Sen, N. (in
press): On a new species Badis triocellii (Pisces: Perciformes:
Badidae) from North East India.
Badis triocellii Khynriam
& Sen, (in press) at present not
available, only nom. nud.
Records of Zoological Survey
of India, 111 (4) [2011]: 65-72.
Knapp, L.W. (2012): Rogadius
fehlmanni, a new flathead fish (Scorpaeniformes: Platycephalidae) from
Somaliano access.
Rogadius fehlmanni Knapp,
Knight, J.D.M., Rema Devi, K.,
Indra, T.J. & Arunachalam, M. (2012): A new species of barb Puntius
nigripinnis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from southern Western Ghats, India.
Puntius nigripinnis Knight
al., 2012
Konings, A.F. & Stauffer,
J.R.Jr. (2012): Review of the Lake Malawi genus Melanochromis (Teleostei:
Cichlidae) with a description of a new species.
Melanochromis mpoto Konings
& Stauffer, 2012
Kosygin, L. (2012): Aborichthys
waikhomi, a new species of fish (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Arunachal
Pradesh, India.
Aborichthys waikhomi Kosygin,
Records of the zoological
Survey of India, 112 (1): 49-55.
Kottelat, M. (2012): Acanthocobitis pictilis,
a new species of loach from Myanmar and Thailand (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae).
Acanthocobitis pictilis Kottelat, 2012
Kottelat, M. (2012): Conspectus cobitidum: an inventory
of the loaches of the world (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cobitoidei).
Ambastaia n. gen. Kottelat, 2012
Type species: Botia nigrolineata
Kottelat & Chu, 1987
Theriodes n. gen.
Type species: Acanthophthalmus sandakanensis
Inger & Chin, 1962
Speonectes n. gen.
Type species: Sundoreonectes tiomanensis
Kottelat, 1990
Barbuccidae n. fam.
Type genus: Barbucca Roberts, 1989
Serpenticobitidae n. fam.
Type genus: Serpenticobitis Roberts,
Kottelat, M. (2012): Draconectes
narinosus, a new genus and species of cave fish from an island of Halong
Ray, Vietnam (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae).
Draconectes n. gen. Kottelat,
Draconectes narinosus
Kottelat, 2012
Kottelat, M. (2012): Rasbora
rheophila, a new species of fish from northern Borneo (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
Rasbora rheophila Kottelat,
Revue suisse de Zoologie,
119 (1): 77-87.
Kottelat, M. & Leisher,
C. (2012): Fishes from Phuong Hoang cave, northern Vietnam, with description
of a new species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae).
Schistura mobbsi Kottelat
& Leisher, 2012
Kottelat, M. & Tan, H.H.
(2012): Rasbora cryptica, a new species of fish from Sarawak, Borneo
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
Rasbora cryptica Kottelat
& Tan, 2012
Kotlyar, A.N. (2012): Revision of genus Melamphaes
(Melamphaidae): Part 4. Multi-raker species: M. ebelingi, M. occlusussp.
nova, and M. nikolayi sp. nova.
Melamphaes nikolayi Kotlyar, 2012
Melamphaes occlusus Kotlyar, 2012
Kowasupat, C., Panijpan, B.,
Ruenwongsa, P. & Jeenthong, T. (2012): Betta siamorientalis,
a new species of bubble-nest building fighting fish (Teleostei: Osphronemidae)
from eastern Thailand.
Betta siamorientalis Kowasupat
al., 2012
Kowasupat, C., Panijpan, B.,
Ruenwongsa, P. & Sriwattanarothai, N. (2012): Betta mahachaiensis,
a new species of bubble-nesting fighting fish (Teleostei: Osphronemidae)
from Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand.
Betta mahachaiensis Kowasupat
al., 2012
Kramer, B., Bills, R., Skelton,
P. & Wink, M. (2012): A critical revision of the churchill snoutfish,
genus Petrocephalus Marcusen, 1854 (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Mormyridae),
from southern and eastern Africa, with the recognition of Petrocephalus
tanensis, and the description of five new species.
Petrocephalus longianalis
al., 2012
Petrocephalus longicapitis
al., 2012
Petrocephalus magnitrunci
al., 2012
Petrocephalus magnoculis
al., 2012
Petrocephalus okavangensis
al., 2012
Petrocephalus petersi Kramer
al., 2012
Krishna Kumar, K., Benno Pereira,
F.G. & Radhakrishnan, K.V. (2012): Puntius madhusoodani (Teleostei:
Cyprinidae), a new species of barb from Manimala River, Kerala, South India.
Puntius madhusoodani
Krishna Kumar, Benno Pereira & Radhakrishnan, 2012
Kukuev, E.I., Parin, N.V. &
Trunov, I.A. (2012): Materials for the Revision of the Family Caristiidae
(Perciformes). 2. Manefishes from the East Atlantic (Redescription of Platyberyx
opalescens Zugmayer and Description of Two New Species Platyberyx
mauli sp. n. and Caristius andriashevi sp. n.).
Caristius andriashevi
Kukuev, Parin & Trunov, 2012
Platyberyx mauli Kukuev,
Parin & Trunov, 2012
Kulabtong, S., Suksri, S. &
Nonpayom, C. (2012): A new species of genus Laubuca Bleeker, 1860
cyprinid fish from Bangladesh (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae).
Laubuca brahmaputraensis
Kulabtong, Suksri & Nonpayom, 2012
Kullander, S.O. (2012): A taxonomic
review of Satanoperca (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from French Guiana,
South America, with description of a new species.
Satanoperca rhynchitis
Kullander, 2012
Kullander, S.O. (2012): Description
of Danio flagrans, and redescription of D. choprae, two closely
related species from the Ayeyarwaddy River drainage in northern Myanmar
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
Danio flagrans Kullander,
Kullander, S.O. (2012): Krobia
xinguensis, a new species of cichlid fish from the Xingu River drainage
in Brazil (Teleostei: Cichlidae).
Krobia xinguensis Kullander,
Kullander, S.O., Karlsson, M.
& Karlsson, M. (2012): Lepidiolamprologus kamambae, a new species
of cichlid fish (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika.
Lepidiolamprologus kamambae
Kullander, Karlsson & Karlsson, 2012
Kwun, H. J. & Kim, J. K.
(2012): A New Species of the Genus Eulophias (Zoarcoidei: Stichaeidae)
from Korea.
Eulophias koreanus Kwun
& Kim, 2012
Lalramliana (2012): Schistura
aizawlensis, a new species of loach from Mizoram, northeastern India
(Cypriniformes: Balitoridae).
Schistura aizawlensis
Lalramliana, 2012
Lamboj, A. (2012): A new species
of the genus Congochromis (Cichlidae) from the Central Congo basin
/ Une nouvelle espèce de cichlidé du genre Congochromis
(Cichlidae) du bassin central du Congo.
Congochromis robustus
Lamboj, 2012
Langerhans, R. B., Gifford,
M. E., Domínguez-Domínguez, O., García-Bedoya, D.
& DeWitt, T.J. (2012): Gambusia quadruncus (Cyprinodontiformes:
Poeciliidae): a new species of mosquitofish from east-central México.
Gambusia quadruncus Langerhans
al., 2012
Larson, H.K. & Buckle, D.J.
(2012): A revision of the goby genus Gnatholepis Bleeker (Teleostei,
Gobiidae, Gobionellinae), with description of a new species.
Gnatholepis caudimaculata
Larson & Buckle, 2012
Last, P.R., Manjaji-Matsumoto, B.M. & Moore, A.B.M.
(2012): Himantura randalli sp. nov., a new whipray (Myliobatoidea:
Dasyatidae) from the Persian Gulf.
Himantura randalli Last, Manjaji-Matsumoto
& Moore, 2012
Last, P.R. & Richards, W.J.
(2012): Two new gurnards of the genus Pterygotrigla (Scorpaeniformes:
Triglidae) from Australian seas.
Pterygotrigla gomoni
Last & Richards, 2012
Pterygotrigla saumarezLast
& Richards, 2012
Last, P.R. & Séret, B. (2012): Two new
softnose skates of the genus Brochiraja (Rajoidei: Arhynchobatidae)
from the deepwater slopes and banks of the Norfolk Ridge (South-West Pacific).
Brochiraja heuresa Last & Séret,
Brochiraja vittacauda Last & Séret,
Lavoué, S. (2012): Petrocephalus
Marcusen, 1854 (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) of the Bangweulu-Mweru ecoregion
(Luapula River system, Congo basin), with the description of a new species.
Petrocephalus frieli Lavoué,
Layman, S.R. & Mayden, R.L.
(2012): Morphological Diversity and Phylogenetics of the Darter Subgenus
(Percidae: Etheostoma), with Descriptions of Five New Species.
Etheostoma clinton Mayden
& Layman, 2012
Etheostoma gore Layman
& Mayden, 2012
Etheostoma jimmycarter
Layman & Mayden, 2012
Etheostoma obama Mayden
& Layman, 2012
Etheostoma teddyroosevelt
Layman & Mayden, 2012
Bulletin of the Alabama Museum
of Natural History, 30: 183.
Lehmann A., P. & Reis, R.E.
(2012): A new species of Parotocinclus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
from the upper Rio São Francisco, Brazil.
Parotocinclus robustus
Lehmann A. & Reis, 2012
Lezama, A. Q., Triques, M.L. & Santos, P.S. (2012):
argos (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae), a new species from
the Doce River Basin, Eastern Brazil.
Trichomycterus argos Lezama, Triques &
Santos, 2012
Lin, Y., Li, C. & Song,
J.-K. (2012): A new species of troglobitic loach (Cypriniformes, Balitoridae),
jiarongensis, from Guizhou, China.
Triplophysa jiarongensis
Lin, Li & Song, 2012
Liu, S.-W., Zhu, Y., Wei, R.-f. & Chen, X.-Y.
(2012): A new species of the genus Balitora (Teleostei: Balitoridae)
from Guangxi, China.
Balitora ludongensis Liu, Zhu, Wei &
Chen, 2012 (online pre-publication in 2011)
Loeb, M.V. (2012): A new species
of Anchoviella Fowler, 1911 (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) from the
Amazon basin, Brazil.
Anchoviella juruasanga
Loeb, 2012
Lokeshwor, Y., Barat, A., Sati,
J. Darshan, A., Vishwanath, W. & Mahanta, P.C. (2012): Schistura
obliquofascia, a new loach from Uttarakhand, India (Cypriniformes:
Schistura obliquofascia
Lokeshwor et al., 2012
Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): A new loach of the genus Physoschistura Banarescu &
Nalbant (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from Chindwin basin, Manipur, India.
Physoschistura tigrinum
Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2012
Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Physoschistura chindwinensis, a new balitorid loach from
Chindwin basin, Manipur, India (Teleostei: Balitoridae).
Physoschistura chindwinensis
Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Physoschistura dikrongensis, a new loach from Arunachal
Pradesh, India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae).
Physoschistura dikrongensis
Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2012
Lokeshwor, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Schistura koladynensis, a new species of loach from the
Koladyne basin, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae).
Schistura koladynensis
Lokeshwor & Vishwanath, 2012
Lokeshwor, Y., Vishwanath, W. & Shanta, K. (2012):
tuivaiensis, a new species of loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from
the Tuvai River, Manipur, India.
Physoschistura tuivaiensis Lokeshwor, Vishwanath
& Shanta, 2012
H., Taphorn, D.C. & Liverpool, E.A. (2012): Phylogenetic diagnosis
and expanded description of the genus Mazarunia Kullander, 1990
(Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the upper Mazaruni River, Guyana, with description
of two new species.
Mazarunia charadrica
López-Fernández et. al., 2012
Mazarunia pala López-Fernández
al., 2012
Machi, K., Nobetsu, T. & Yabe, M. (2012): Careproctus
rausuensis, a New Liparid Fish (Percomorphacea: Cottiformes), Collected
from Hokkaido, Japan.
Careproctus rausuensis Machi, Nobetsu &
Yabe, 2012
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
A., Supplement No. 6: 3340.
Maeda, K., Mukai, T. & Tachihara,
K. (2012): A new species of amphidromous goby, Stiphodon alcedo,
from the Ryukyu Archipelago (Gobiidae: Sicydiinae).
Stiphodon alcedo Maeda,
Mukai & Tachihara, 2012
Malabarba, L.R. & Jerep,
F.C. (2012): A New Genus and Species of Cheirodontine Fish from South America
(Teleostei: Characidae).
Ctenocheirodon n. gen.
Malabarba & Jerep, 2012
Ctenocheirodon pristis
Malabarba & Jerep, 2012
Mamonekene, V. & Stiassny,
M.L.J. (2012): A New Bathyaethiops (Characiformes: Alestidae) from
the Lékoumou River (Kouilou-Niari Basin) in the Republic of Congo;
First Record of the Genus in the Lower Guinean Ichthyofaunal Province.
Bathyaethiops atercrinis
Mamonekene & Stiassny, 2012
Marceniuk, A.P., Betancur-R.,
R., Acero P., A. & Muriel-Cunha, J. (2012): Review of the Genus Cathorops
(Siluriformes: Ariidae) from the Caribbean and Atlantic South America,
with Description of a New Species.
Cathorops wayuu Betancur-R.,
Acero P. & Marceniuk, 2012
Martins, F.O. & Langeani,
F. (2012): Hisonotus piracanjuba, a new species of Hypoptopomatinae
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Paranaíba, upper rio Paraná
system, central Brazil.
Hisonotus piracanjuba
Martins & Langeani, 2012
Martins, F.O., Marinho, M.M.F.,
Langeani, F. & Serra, J.P. (2012): A New Species of Hypostomus
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Upper Rio Paraguay Basin, Brazil.
Hypostomus careopinnatus
Martins et . al., 2012
Matallanas, J. & Corbella,
C. (2012): Redescription of Iluocoetes Jenyns, 1842; proposal of
a new genus, Argentinolycus, for Iluocoetes elongatus (Smitt,
1898), and description of Patagolycus melastomus gen. et sp. nov.
(Teleostei, Zoarcidae).
Argentinolycus gen. n.
Matallanas & Corbella, 2012
Type species: Iluocoetes
elongatus (Smitt, 1898)
Patagolycus gen. n. Matallanas
& Corbella, 2012
Patagolycus melastomus
Matallanas & Corbella, 2012
Matallanas, J., Corbella, C.
& Møller, P.R. (2012): Description of two new species of Santelmoa
(Teleostei, Zoarcidae) from the Southern Ocean.
Santelmoa antarctica
Matallanas, Corbella & Møller, 2012
Santelmoa fusca Matallanas,
Corbella & Møller, 2012
Matamoros, W.A., Schaefer, J.F.,
Hernández, C.L. & Chakrabarty, P. (2012): Profundulus kreiseri,
a new species of Profundulidae (Teleostei, Cyprinodontiformes) from northwestern
Profundulus kreiseri
Matamoros et al., 2012
Mbimbi Mayi Munene, J.J. &
Stiassny, M.L.J. (2012): A new Alestopetersius (Characiformes: Alestidae)
from the Kwilu River (Kasai basin) of central Africa; with a phylogeny
for the genus and synonymy of Duboisialestes.
Alestopetersius conspectus
Mbimbi Mayi Munene & Stiassny, 2012
McCosker, J.E. & Allen, G.R. (2012): Description
of a new Snake Eel (Pisces: Ophichthidae: Myrichthys) from the Philippines.
Myrichthys paleracio McCosker & Allen,
aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology,
18 (1): 35-40.
McCosker, J.E., Ide, S. & Endo, H. (2012): Three
new species of ophichthid eels (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from Japan.
Scolecenchelys fuscapenis McCosker, Ide &
Endo, 2012
Ophichthus machidai McCosker, Ide & Endo,
Ophichthus obtusus McCosker, Ide & Endo,
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
Ser. A., Supplement No. 6: 1-16.
McCosker, J.E., Loh, K.H., Lin,
J. & Chen, H.M. (in press): Pylorobranchus hoi, a New Genus
and Species of Myrophine Worm-eel from Taiwan (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae).
Pylorobranchus n. gen.
MyCosker & Chen (in press) at present
published only online and is not fullfilling Article 8.5 of the amendment
of the ICZN
Type species: Pylorobranchus
hoi McCosker
et al., in press at
present published only online and is not fullfilling Article 8.5 of the
amendment of the ICZN
McCosker, J.E., Long, D.J. &
Baldwin, C.C. (2012): Description of a new species of deepwater catshark,
giddingsi sp. nov., from the Galápagos Islands (Chondrichthyes:
Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae).
Bythaelurus giddingsiMcCosker,
Long & Baldwin, 2012
McMillan, P., Iwamoto, T., Stewart,
A. & Smith, P.J. (2012): A new species of grenadier, genus Macrourus
(Teleostei, Gadiformes, Macrouridae) from the southern hemisphere and a
revision of the genus.
Macrourus caml McMillan,
Iwamoto, Stewart & Smith, 2012
Milhomem, S.S.R., Crampton,
W.G.R., Pieczarka, J.C., Shetka, G.H., Silva, D.S. & Nagamachi, C.Y.
(2012): Gymnotus capanema, a new species of electric knife fish
(Gymnotiformes, Gymnotidae) from eastern Amazonia, with comments on an
unusual karyotype.
Gymnotus capanema Milhomem
al., 2012
Min, R., Yang, J.-X. & Chen,
X.-Y. (2012): Homatula wuliangensis (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae),
a new loach from Yunnan, China.
Homatula wuliangensis
Min et al., 2012
Moore, G.I., Hutchins, J.B.
& Okamoto, M. (2012): A new species of the deepwater clingfish genus
(Gobiesociformes: Gobiesocidae) from the East China Seaan example of antitropicality?
Kopua japonica Moore,
Hutchins & Okamoto, 2012
Motomura, H., Causse, R. &
Struthers, C.D. (2012): Phenacoscorpius longilineatus, a New Species
of Deepwater Scorpionfish from the Southwestern Pacific Ocean and the First
Records of Phenacoscorpius adenensis from the Pacific Ocean (Teleostei:
Phenacoscorpius longilineatus
Motomura et al., 2012
Nakajima, J. (2012): Taxonomic
study of the Cobitis striata complex (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae)
in Japan.
Cobitis kaibarai Nakajima,
Cobitis magnostriata
Nakajima, 2012
Cobitis minamorii Nakajima,
Cobitis minamorii oumiensis
Nakajima, 2012
Cobitis minamorii saninensis
Nakajima, 2012
Cobitis minamorii tokaiensis
Nakajima, 2012
Cobitis minamorii yodoensis
Nakajima, 2012
Cobitis striata fuchigamii
Nakajima, 2012
Cobitis striata hakataensis
Nakajima, 2012
Nakayama, N. & Endo, H.
(2012): A new grenadier of the genus Nezumia (Pisces: Gadiformes:
Macrouridae) from southern Japan.
Nezumia shinoharai Nakayama
& Endo, 2012
Nebeshwar, K., Bagra, K. &
Das, D.N. (2012): Garra kalpangi, a new cyprinid fish species (Pisces:
Teleostei) from upper Brahmaputra basin in Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Garra kalpangi Nebeshwar,
Bagra & Das, 2012
Netto-Ferreira, A.L. (2012):
Three new species of Lebiasina (Characiformes: Lebiasinidae) from
the Brazilian Shield border at Serra do Cachimbo, Pará, Brazil.
Lebiasina marilynae Netto-Ferreira,
Lebiasina melanoguttata Netto-Ferreira,
Lebiasina minuta Netto-Ferreira,
Ng, H.H. (2012): Encheloclarias
medialis, a new catfish from southern Borneo (Teleostei: Clariidae).
Encheloclarias medialis
Ng, 2012
Ng, H.H. (2012): Mystus velifer,
a new species of catfish from Indochina (Teleostei: Bagridae).
Ng, H.H., Ferraris, C.J.Jr.
& Neely, D.A. (2012): The catfish genus Erethistoides (Siluriformes:
Sisoridae) in Myanmar, with descriptions of three new species.
Erethistoides longispinis
Ng, Ferraris & Neely, 2012
Erethistoides luteolus
Ng, Ferraris & Neely, 2012
Erethistoides vesculus
Ng, Ferraris & Neely, 2012
Ng, H.H., Jiang, W.-S. &
Chen, X.-Y. (2012): Glyptothorax lanceatus, a new species of sisorid
catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from southwestern China.
Glyptothorax lanceatus
Ng, Jiang & Chen, 2012
Ng, H.H. & Kottelat, M.
(2012): Chaca serica, a new species of frogmouth catfish (Teleostei:
Siluriformes) from southern Borneo.
Chaca serica Ng &
Kottelat, 2012
Ng, H.H. & Lalramliana (2012):
maceriatus, a new species of sisorid catfish (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes)
from north-eastern India.
Glyptothorax maceriatus
Ng & Lalramliana, 2012
Ng, H.H. & Lalramliana (2012):
scrobiculus, a new species of sisorid catfish (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes)
from northeastern India.
Glyptothorax scrobiculus
Ng & Lalramliana, 2012
Ng, H.H. & Tamang, L. (2012):
viriosa, a new catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from north-eastern India.
Pseudolaguvia viriosa
Ng & Tamang, 2012
Ng'oma, E., Valdesalici, S., Reichwald, K. & Cellerino,
A. (2013): Genetic and morphological studies of Nothobranchius (Cyprinodontiformes)
from Malawi with description of Nothobranchius wattersi sp. nov.
Nothobranchius wattersi Ng'oma et al.,
Nguyen, Van Hao; Nguyen, Thi
Hanh Tien & Nguyen, Thi Dieu Phuong (2012): A new fish species of the
walking snakehead group, the genus Channa (Channidae, Perciformes)
in Vietnam.
Channa longistomata Nguyen
Van Hao, Nguyen Thi Hanh Tien & Nguyen Thi Dieu Phuong, 2012
Nguyen, Van Hao; Nguyen, Thi
Hanh Tien; Do, Van Thinh & Nguyen, Thi Dieu Phuong (2012): Discovery
of three new species in Opsariichthys collected from Dakrong district,
Quang Tri province, Vietnam.
Opsariichthys brevistomatus
Nguyen et al., 2012 [Name not available,
no type designated]
Opsariichthys dorsoarcus
Nguyen et al., 2012 [Name not available,
no type designated]
Opsariichthys longianalis
Nguyen et al., 2012 [Name not available,
no type designated]
Ni, Y., Wu, H.-L. & Li,
S. (2012): A new species of the genus Sladenia (Pisces, Lophiidae)
from the East China Sea and the South China Sea.
Sladenia zhui Ni, Wu
& Li, 2012
Nielsen, D.T.B., Cruz, J.C.
& Baptista Jr., A. C. (2012): A new species of annual fish, Hypsolebias
tocantinensis sp.n. (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from the rio Tocantins
basin, northeastern Brazil.
Hypsolebias tocantinensis
Nielsen et al., 2012
Nielsen, J.G., Schwarzhans,
W. & Cohen, D.M. (2012): Revision of Hastatobythites and Saccogaster
(Teleostei, Bythitidae) with three new species and a new genus.
Saccogaster brayae Nielsen,
Schwarzhans & Cohen, 2012
Saccogaster horrida Nielsen,
Schwarzhans & Cohen, 2012
Saccogaster nikoliviae
Nielsen, Schwarzhans & Cohen, 2012
Parasaccogaster n. gen.
Nielsen, Schwarzhans & Cohen, 2012
Ohashi, S., Nielsen, J.G. & Yabe, M. (2012): A
new species of the ophidiid genus Neobythites (Teleostei: Ophidiiformes)
from Tosa Bay, Kochi Prefecture, Japan.
Neobythites machidai Ohashi, Nielsen &
Yabe, 2012
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
Ser. A., Supplement No. 6: 27-32.
Okamoto, M. (2012): Two new
species of the genus Epigonus (Perciformes: Epigonidae) from the
South Pacific, with a definition of the Epigonus constanciae group.
Epigonus chilensis Okamoto,
Epigonus machaera Okamoto,
Okamoto, M. & Motomura,
H. (2012): Epigonus exodon, a new species of deepwater cardinalfish
(Teleostei: Perciformes: Epigonidae) from Réunion, western Indian
Epigonus exodon Okamoto
& Motomura, 2012
Oliver, M.K. (2012): Hemitaeniochromis
brachyrhynchus, a new species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi, with
comments on some other supposed members of the genus. (Teleostei: Cichlidae).
Hemitaeniochromis brachyrhynchus
Oliver, 2012
Orr, J.W. (2012): Two New Species
of Snailfishes of the Genus Careproctus (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae)
from the Bering Sea and Eastern North Pacific Ocean, with a Redescription
of Careproctus ovigerus.
Careproctus kamikawai
Orr, 2012
Careproctus lycopersicus
Orr, 2012
Ottoni, F.P. (2012): Three new
species of Australoheros from southeastern Brazil, with taxonomic
notes on Chromys oblonga, Heros autochton and H. jenynsii
(Teleostei: Labroidei: Cichlidae).
Australoheros mattosi
Ottoni, 2012
Australoheros montanus
Ottoni, 2012
Australoheros tavaresi
Ottoni, 2012
Ottoni, F.P., Bragança,
P.H.N., Amorim,P.F. & Gama, C.S. (2012): A new species of Laetacara
from the northern Brazil coastal floodplains (Teleostei: Cichlidae).
Laetacara flamannellus
Ottoni et al., 2012
Page, L.M., Plongsesthee, R.,
Beamish, F.W.H., Kangrang, P., Randall, Z.S., Singer, R.S. & Martin,
Z.P. (2012): Schistura (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) in the Mae Khlong
basin in southwestern Thailand with description of a new species.
Schistura pantherina
Page et al., 2012
Parin, N.V., Prokofiev, A.M.
& Bussarawit, S. (2012): Two New Species of the Genus Epigonus
(Perciformes: Epigonidae) from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Epigonus thai Prokofiev
& Bussarawit 2012
Epigonus trunovi Parin
& Prokofiev, 2012
Parmentier, E. (2012): Echiodon
prionodon, a new species of Carapidae (Pisces, Ophidiiformes) from
New Zealand.
Echiodon prionodon Parmentier,
Pereira, E.H.L. & Britto,
M.R. (2012): A New Distinctively Colored Catfish of the Genus Pareiorhaphis
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Rio Piracicaba, Upper Rio Doce Basin,
Pareiorhaphis proskynita
& Britto, 2012
Pereira, E.H.L., Lehmann A.,
P. & Reis, R.E. (2012): A new species of the Neoplecostomine catfishPareiorhaphis
Loricariidae) from the Coastal basins of Espírito Santo, Eastern
Pareiorhaphis ruschii
Pereira et. al., 2012
Pethiyagoda, R. & Gill, A.C. (2012): Description
of two new species of sea bass (Teleostei: Latidae: Lates) from
Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
Lates lakdiva Pethiyagoda & Gill, 2012
Lates uwisara Pethiyagoda & Gill, 2012
Pethiyagoda, R., Meegaskumbura,
M. & Maduwage, K. (2012): A synopsis of the South Asian fishes referred
to Puntius (Pisces: Cyprinidae).
Dawkinsia n. gen. Pethiyagoda,
Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012
Type species: Leuciscus
filamentosus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844
Dravidia n. gen. Pethiyagoda,
Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012
Type species: Cirrhinus
fasciatus Jerdon, 1849
Pethia n. gen. Pethiyagoda,
Meegaskumbura & Maduwage, 2012
Type species: Barbus
nigrofasciatus Günther, 1868
Powers, S.L., Kuhajsa, B.R.
& Ahlbrand, S.E. (2012): Systematics of the Etheostoma cinereum
(Teleostei: Percidae) species complex (subgenus Allohistium).
Etheostoma maydeni Powers
& Kuhajda, 2012
Rameshori, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): A new catfish of the genus Glyptothorax from the Kaladan
basin, Northeast India (Teleostei: Sisoridae).
Glyptothorax churamanii Rameshori
& Vishwanath, 2012
Rameshori, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Glyptothorax jayarami, a new species of catfish (Teleostei:
Sisoridae) from Mizoram, northeastern India.
Glyptothorax jayarami
Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012
Rameshori, Y. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Glyptothorax verrucosus, a new sisorid catfish species
from the Koladyne basin, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Sisoridae).
Glyptothorax verrucosus
Rameshori & Vishwanath, 2012
Randall, J.E. & Arnold,
R.J. (2012): Uranoscopus rosette, a new species of stargazer (Uranoscopidae:
Trachinoidei) from the Red Sea.
Uranoscopus rosette Randall
& Arnold, 2012
aqua, International Journal
of Ichthyology, 18 (4): 209-218.
Randall, J.E. & DiBattista,
J.D. (2012): Etrumeus makiawa, a New Species of Round Herring (Clupeidae:
Dussumierinae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
Etrumeus makiawa Randall
& DiBattista, 2012
Rangel-Pereira, F.d.S. (2012):
interruptus, a new species of electric fish from the Rio de Contas
basin, Bahia, Brazil (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae).
Gymnotus interruptus
Rangel-Pereira, 2012
Reis, R.E., Pereira, E.H.L.
& Lehmann A., P. (2012): A New Genus and Species of Hypoptopomatine
Catfish (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Upper Rio São Francisco
Basin, Brazil.
Plesioptopoma n. gen.
Reis, Pereira & Lehmann A., 2012
Plesioptopoma curvidens
Reis, Pereira & Lehmann A., 2012
Ren, Q., Yang, J.-X. & Chen,
X.-Y. (2012): A new species of the genus Triplophysa (Cypriniformes:
Nemacheilidae), Triplophysa longliensis sp. nov, from Guizhou, China.
Triplophysa longliensis
Ren et al., 2012
Ribeiro, A.C., Lima, F.C.T.
Pereira, E.H.L. (2012): A New Genus and Species of a Minute Suckermouth
Armored Catfish (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Rio Tocantins Drainage,
Central Brazil: The Smallest Known Loricariid Catfish.
Nannoplecostomus n. gen.
Ribeiro et al., 2012
Nannoplecostomus eleonorae
Ribeiro et al., 2012
Richards, W.J. & Yato, T.
(2012): The tropical species of the subgenus Pterygotrigla (Pisces:
Triglidae: Pterygotrigla) with description of a new species.
Pterygotrigla cajorarori
Richards & Yato, 2012
Roberts, C.D. & Gomon, M.F.
(2012): A review of giant roughies of the genus Hoplostethus (Beryciformes,
Trachichthyidae), with descriptions of two new Australasian species.
Hoplostethus grandperrini
Roberts & Gomon, 2012
Hoplostethus melanopeza
Roberts & Gomon, 2012
Roberts, T.R. (2012): Scleropages
inscriptus, a new fish species from the Tananthayi or Tenasserim River
basin, Malay Peninsula of Myanmar (Osteoglossidae: Osteoglossiformes).
Scleropages inscriptus
Roberts, 2012
Robins, C.R., Robins, R.H. &
Brown, M.E. (2012): A revision of Lepophidium (Teleostei, Ophidiidae),
with descriptions of eight new species.
Lepophidium collettei Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium crossotum Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium cultratum Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium entomelan Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium gilmorei Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium robustum Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium wileyi Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Lepophidium zophochir Robins,
Robins & Brown, 2012
Rocha, L.A., Brito, A. & Robertson, D.R. (2012):Sparisoma
choati, a new species of Parrotfish (Labridae: Scarinae) from the tropical
eastern Atlantic.
Sparisoma choati Rocha, Brito & Robertson,
Rocha, M., Lazzarotto, H. &
Rapp Py-Daniel, L. (2012): A New Species of Scoloplax with a Remarkable
New Tooth Morphology within Loricarioidea (Siluriformes: Scoloplacidae).
Scoloplax baileyi Rocha
al., 2012
Rodriguez, M.S., Cavallaro,
M.R. & Thomas, M.R. (2012): A New Diminutive Species of Loricaria
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Rio Paraguay System, Mato Grosso
do Sul, Brazil.
Loricaria coximensis
Rodriguez, Cavallaro & Thomas, 2012
Römer, U., Beninde, J.,
Duponchelle, F., Vela Díaz, A., Ortega, H., Hahn, I., Soares, D.P.,
Cachay, C.D., Dávila, C.R.G., Cornejo, S.S. & Renno, J.-F.
(2012): Description of Apistogramma allpahuayo sp. n., a new dwarf
cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae) from in and around
the Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, Loreto, Peru.
Apistogramma allpahuayo
Römer et al., 2012
Román-Valencia, C., García-Alzate,
C.A., Ruiz-C., R.I. & Taphorn B, D.C. (2012): A new species of Tyttocharax
(Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae) from the Güejar River, Orinoco
River Basin, Colombia.
Tyttocharax metae Román-Valencia
al., 2012
Roxo, F.F., Silva, G.S.C., Mehanna,
M. & Oliveira, C. (2012): Description of a new species of Pareiorhina
(Siluriformes: Neoplecostominae) from Rio São Francisco basin.
Pareiorhina cepta Roxo
al., 2012
Roxo, F.F., Oliveira, C. &
Zawadzki, C.H. (2012): Three new species of Neoplecostomus (Teleostei:
Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Upper Rio Paraná basin of southeastern
Neoplecostomus bandeirante
Roxo, Oliveira & Zawadzki, 2012
Neoplecostomus botucatu
Roxo, Oliveira & Zawadzki, 2012
Neoplecostomus langeanii
Roxo, Oliveira & Zawadzki, 2012
Ruocco, N.L., Lucifora, L.O.,
de Astarloa, J.M.D., Mabragaña, E. & Delpiani, S.M. (2012):
Morphology and DNA barcoding reveal a new species of eagle ray from the
Southwestern Atlantic: Myliobatis ridens sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes,
Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae).
Myliobatis ridens Ruocco
al., 2012
Sabet, H.M., Yerli, S.V., Vatandoust,
S., Özeren, S.C. & Moradkhani, Z. (2012): Cobitis keyvanisp.
nova a New Species of Spined-loach from South of the Caspian Sea Basin
(Teleostei: Cobitidae).
Cobitis keyvani Sabet,
Yerli, Vatandoust, Özeren & Moradkhani, 2012
Sant'Anna, V.B., Delapieve,
M.L.S. & Reis, R.E. (2012): A New Species of Potamorrhaphis
(Beloniformes: Belonidae) from the Amazon Basin.
Potamorrhaphis labiata
Sant'Anna et al., 2012
Sasaki, D. & Kimura, S.
(2012): Descriptions of two new silversides, Hypoatherina golanii
and Hypoatherina lunata, from the Indo-West Pacific (Atheriniformes:
Hypoatherina golanii
Sasaki & Kimura, 2012
Hypoatherina lunata Sasaki
& Kimura, 2012
Sasaki, D. & Kimura, S.
(2012): Two new silversides, Hypoatherina celebesensis and Hypoatherina
macrophthalma, from the western Pacific (Atheriniformes: Atherinidae).
Hypoatherina celebesensis
Sasaki & Kimura, 2012
Hypoatherina macrophthalma
Sasaki & Kimura, 2012
Schindler, I. & Linke, H.
(2012): Two new species of the genus Parosphromenus (Teleostei:
Osphronemidae) from Sumatra.
Parosphromenus gunawani
Schindler & Linke, 2012
Parosphromenus phoenicurus
Schindler & Linke, 2012
Schwarzhans, W. & Nielsen,
J.G. (2012): A new species of the Genus Microbrotula (Teleostei:
Bythitidae) from Cenderawasih Bay, New Guinea, Indonesia.
Microbrotula geraldalleni
Schwarzhans & Nielsen, 2012
Séret, B. & Last,
P.R. (2012): New deep water skates of the genus Notoraja Ishiyama,
1958 (Rajoidei, Arhynchobatidae) from the southwest Pacific.
Notoraja alisae Séret
& Last, 2012
Notoraja fijiensis Séret
& Last, 2012
Notoraja inusitata Séret
& Last, 2012
Notoraja longiventralis
Séret & Last, 2012
Shandikov, G.A., Eakin, R.R.
& Usachev, S. (2013): Pogonophryne tronio, a new species of
Antarctic short-barbeled plunderfish (Perciformes: Notothenioidei: Artedidraconidae)
from the deep Ross Sea with new data on Pogonophryne brevibarbata.
Pogonophryne tronio Shandikov,
Eakin & Usachev, 2013
Shangningam, B. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): A New Species of the Genus Garra Hamilton, 1822 from
the Chindwin Basin of Manipur, India (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Labeoninae).
Shangningam, B. & Vishwanath,
W. (2012): Validation of Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath,
2012 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Labeoninae).
Garra namyaensis Shangningam
& Vishwanath, 2012
Sheiko, B.A. (2012): Alectrias
markevichi sp. nov.A New Species of Cockscombs (Perciformes: Stichaeidae:
Alectriinae) from the Sublittoral of the Sea of Japan and Adjacent Waters.
Alectrias markevichi
Sheiko, 2012
Shen, K.N., Ho, H.C. & Chang,
C.W. (2012): The Blue Velvet Angelfish, Centropyge deborae, a New
Pomacanthid from the Fiji Islands, based on Genetic and Morphological Analyses.
Centropyge deborae Shen,
Ho & Chang, 2012
Shibukawa, K., Phousavanh, P.,
Phongsa, K. & Iwata, A. (2012): A new species of Metzia (Cypriniformes:
Cyprinidae) from Northern Laos.
Metzia bounthobi Shibukawa
et al., 2012
Shibukawa, K., Suzuki, T. &
Senou, H. (2012): Review of the shrimp-associated goby genus Lotilia
(Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Gobiidae), with description of a new species
from the West Pacific.
Lotilia klausewitzi Shibukawa,
Suzuki & Senou, 2012
Shibukawa, K., Tran, D.D. &
Tran, L.X. (2012): Phallostethus cuulong, a new species of priapiumfish
(Actinopterygii: Atheriniformes: Phallostethidae) from the Vietnamese Mekong.
Phallostethus cuulong
Shibukawa, Tran & Tran, 2012
Shinohara, G. (2012): A New Deep-sea Eelpout, Pachycara
moelleri (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) from Japan.
Pachycara moelleri Shinohara, 2012
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
A., Supplement No. 6: 5158.
Sideleva, V.G. & Goto, A.
(2012): A New Species of Sculpin Cottus kolymensis sp. nova (Scorpaeniformes,
Cottidae) from Rivers of Kolyma.
Cottus kolymensis Sideleva
& Goto, 2012
Smith-Vaniz, W.F. & Allen,
G.R. (2012): Alloblennius frondiculus, a new species of blenny from
the Andaman Islands (Teleostei: Blenniidae: Salariini).
Alloblennius frondiculus
Smith-Vaniz & Allen, 2012
Smith-Vaniz, W.F., Bineesh,
K.K. & Akhilesh, K.V. (2012): Opistognathus pardus, a new species
of jawfish (Teleostei: Opistognathidae) from the Western Indian Ocean.
Opistognathus pardus
Smith-Vaniz, Bineesh & Akhilesh, 2012
Smith-Vaniz, W.F. & Rose,
J.M. (2012): Adelotremus leptus, a new genus and species of sabertooth
blenny from the Red Sea (Teleostei: Blenniidae: Nemophini).
Adelotremus leptus Smith-Vaniz
& Rose, 2012
Sonnenberg, R. & Busch,
E. (2012): Description of Scriptaphyosemion wieseae (Cyprinodontiformes:
Nothobranchiidae), a new species from northern Sierra Leone.
Scriptaphyosemion wieseae
Sonnenberg & Busch, 2012
Sonnenberg, R. & Van der
Zee, J.R. (2012): Aphyosemion pseudoelegans (Cyprinodontiformes:
Nothobranchiidae), a new killifish species from the Cuvette centrale in
the Congo Basin (Democratic Republic of Congo).
Aphyosemion pseudoelegans
Sonnenberg & Van der Zee, 2012
Sparks, J.S. & Baldwin,
Z.H. (2012): A new species of Parapercis (Teleostei: Pinguipedidae)
from Madagascar.
Parapercis maramara Sparks
& Baldwin, 2012
Sparks, J.S. & Chakrabarty,
P. (2012): Revision of the Endemic Malagasy Cavefish Genus Typhleotris
(Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Milyeringidae), with Discussion of its Phylogenetic
Placement and Description of a New Species.
Typhleotris mararybe
Sparks & Chakrabarty, 2012
Sparks, J.S. & Gruber, D.F.
(2012) A New Mesophotic Clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from the Bahamas.
Derilissus lombardii
Sparks & Gruber, 2012
Stein, D.L. (2012): A Review
of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including
Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species.
Aetheliparis n. gen.
Stein, 2012
Aetheliparis taurocanis
Stein, 2012
Careproctus narilobus
Stein, 2012
Careproctus pellucicauda
Stein, 2012
Osteodiscus rhepostomias
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis exilis Stein,
Paraliparis freeborni
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis pearcyi Stein,
Paraliparis pseudokreffti
Stein, 2012
Psednos argyrogaster
Stein, 2012
Psednos chathami Stein,
Psednos cryptocaeca Stein,
Psednos longiventris
Stein, 2012
Psednos microstomus Stein,
Psednos nemnezi Stein,
Psednos platyoperculosus
Stein, 2012
Psednos struthersi Stein,
Stein, D.L. (2012): Snailfishes
(Family Liparidae) of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and Closely Adjacent Waters.
Paraliparis alius Stein,
Paraliparis amerismos
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis camilarusStein,
Paraliparis ekaporus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis epacrognathus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis haploporus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis longicaecus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis macropterus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis magnoculus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis mentikoilon
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis nigrolineatusStein,
Paraliparis nullansa
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis orbitalis
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis parviradialis
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis plicatus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis posteroporus
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis tangaroa
Stein, 2012
Paraliparis voroninorum
Stein, 2012
Suttkus, R.D., Bart Jr.,H.L.
& Etnier, D.A. (2012): A new darter of subgenus Oligocephalus,
genus Etheostoma, from southeastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana.
Etheostoma thompsoni Suttkus,
Bart & Etnier, 2012
Suvarnaraksha, A. (2012): Schistura
maejotigrina, a new stream loach (Pisces: Nemacheilidae) from northern
Schistura maejotigrina
Suvarnaraksha, 2012
Suzuki, T., Bogorodsky, S.V.
& Randall, J.E. (2012): Gobiid fishes of the genus Bryaninops
from the Red Sea, with description of two new species and two new records.
Bryaninops discus Suzuki,
Bogorodsky & Randall, 2012
Bryaninops spongicolus
Suzuki, Bogorodsky & Randall, 2012
Suzuki, T., Chen, I-S. & Senou, H. (2012): A new
species of Rhinogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the
Bonin Islands, Japan.
Rhinogobius ogasawaraensis Suzuki, Chen &
Senou, 2012
Suzuki, T., Sakaue, J. & Senou, H. (2012): Two
New Species of the Gobiid Fish Genus Trimma (Actinopterygii: Perciformes:
Gobiidae) from Japan and Palau.
Trimma fasciatum Suzuki, Sakaue & Senou,
Trimma matsunoi Suzuki, Sakaue & Senou,
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
A., Supplement No. 6: 6777.
Suzuki, T., Yano, K. & Senou, H. (2012): Gobiodon
winterbottomi, a New Goby (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Gobiidae) from
Iriomote-jima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
Gobiodon winterbottomi Suzuki, Yano & Senou,
Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science,
A., Supplement No. 6: 5965.
Tan, H.H. (2012): Systomus navjotsodhii, a
new cyprinid fish from Central Kalimantan, Borneo.
Systomus navjotsodhii Tan, 2012
Tan, M. & Armbruster, J.W.
(2012): Cordylancistrus santarosensis (Siluriformes: Loricariidae),
a new species with unique snout deplatation from the Río Santa Rosa,
Cordylancistrus santarosensis
Tan & Armbruster, 2012
Tang, L., Zhao, Y. & Zhang, C. (2012): A new blind
Oreonectes elongatus sp. nov. (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae)
from Guangxi, China.
Oreonectes elongatus Tang, Zhao & Zhang,
2012 (online pre-publication in 2011)
Teimori, A., Esmaeili, H.R.,
Gholami, Z., Zarei, N. & Reichenbacher, B. (2012): Aphanius arakensis,
a new species of tooth-carp (Actinopterygii, Cyprinodontidae) from the
endorheic Namak Lake basin in Iran.
Aphanius arakensis Teimori,
Esmaeili, Gholami, Zarei & Reichenbacher, 2012
Tejavej, A. (2012): Barilius
signicaudus, a new species of cyprinid fish from Maeklong Basin, western
Thailand (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae).
Barilius signicaudus
Tejavej, 2012
Tornabene, L., Van Tassel, J.L.
& Robertson, D.R. (2012): Microgobius urraca (Teleostei: Gobiidae),
a new species of goby from the tropical eastern Pacific.
Microgobius urraca Tornabene,
Van Tassel & Robertson, 2012
Torres-Mejia, M., Hernández,
E. & Senechal, V. (2012): A New Species of Astyanacinus (Characiformes:
Characidae) from the Río Magdalena System, Colombia.
Astyanacinus yariguies
Torres-Mejia et. al., 2012
Turan, D., Ekmekci, F.G., Luskova,
V. & Mendel, J. (2012): Description of a new species of genus Gobio
from Turkey (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
Gobio sakaryaensis Turan
al., 2012
Turan, D., Kottelat, M. &
Engin, S. (2012): The trouts of the Mediterranean drainages of southern
Anatolia, Turkey, with description of three new species (Teleostei: Salmonidae).
Salmo chilo Turan, Kottelat
& Engin, 2012
Salmo labecula Turan,
Kottelat & Engin, 2012
Salmo opimus Turan, Kottelat
& Engin, 2012
Uiblein, F. & McGrouther,
M. (2012): A new deep-water goatfish of the genus Upeneus (Mullidae)
from northern Australia and the Philippines, with a taxonomic account of
subvittatus and remarks on U. mascareinsis.
Upeneus stenopsis Uiblein
& McGrouther, 2012
Valdesalici, S. (2012): Nothobranchius
kardashevi and Nothobranchius ivanovae (Cyprinodontiformes:
Nothobranchiidae): two new annual killifishes from the Katuma River drainage,
western Tanzania.
Nothobranchius ivanovae Valdesalici,
Nothobranchius kardashevi
aqua, International Journal
of Ichthyology, 18 (4): 191-198.
Valdesalici, S., Bills, R.,
Dorn, A., Reichwald, K. & Cellerino, A. (2012): Nothobranchius niassa
(Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), a new species of annual killifish
from northern Mozambique.
Nothobranchius niassa
Valdesalici et al., 2012
Van Tassell, J.L., Tornabene,
L. & Colin, P.L. (2012): Review of the western Atlantic species of
(Teleostei: Gobiidae: Gobiosomatini) with the description of a new allied
genus and species.
Antilligobius n. gen.
Van Tassell, Tornabene & Colin, 2012
Antilligobius nikkiae
Van Tassell, Tornabene & Colin, 2012
Varella, H.R., Kullander, S.O. & Lima, F.C.T.
(2012): Crenicichla chicha, a new species of pike cichlid (Teleostei:
Cichlidae) from the rio Papagaio, upper rio Tapajós basin, Mato
Grosso, Brazil.
Crenicichla chicha Varella, Kullander &
Lima, 2012
Vari, R.P., de Santana, C.D. & Wosiacki, W.B.
(2012): South American electric knifefishes of the genus Archolaemus(Ostariophysi,
Gymnotiformes): undetected diversity in a clade of rheophiles.
Archolaemus ferreirai Vari, de Santana &
Wosiacki, 2012
Archolaemus janeae Vari, de Santana & Wosiacki,
Archolaemus luciae Vari, de Santana & Wosiacki,
Archolaemus orientalis Stewart, Vari, de Santana
& Wosiacki, 2012
Archolaemus santosi Vari, de Santana &
Wosiacki, 2012
Vari, R.P., Ferraris, Jr., C.J.
& Skelton, P.H. (2012): New Species of Congoglanis (Siluriformes:
Amphiliidae) from the Southern Congo River Basin.
Congoglanis howesi Vari
al., 2012
Vari, R.P., Sidlauskas, B.L.
& Le Bail, P.Y. (2012): New species of Cyphocharax (Ostariophysi:
Characiformes: Curimatidae) from Suriname and French Guiana and a discussion
of curimatid diversity on the Guiana Shield.
Cyphocharax biocellatus
Vari, Sidlauskas & Le Bail, 2012
Vasileva, E.D. & Vasilev,
V.P. (2012): Cobitis amphilekta sp. nova, a New Species of Spined
Loaches (Cobitidae, Cypriniformes) from the Caspian Sea Basin.
Cobitis amphilekta Vasileva
& Vasilev, 2012
Vermeulen, F.B.M., Suijker,
W.H. & Collier, G.E. (2012): Laimosemion paryagi (Cyprinodontiformes:
Aplocheiloidei: Rivulidae), a new species from the upper Mazaruni river
drainage of Western Guyana.
Laimosemion paryagi Vermeulen
al., 2012
aqua, International Journal
of Ichthyology, 18 (4): 181-190.
Victor, B. C. (2012): Hypoplectrus
floridae n. sp. and Hypoplectrus ecosur n. sp., two new barred
hamlets from the Gulf of Mexico (Pisces: Serranidae): more than 3% different
in COI mtDNA sequence from the Caribbean Hypoplectrus species flock.
Hypoplectrus floridae
Victor, 2012
Hypoplectrus ecosur Victor,
Vila, I., Scott, S., Mendez,
M.A., Valenzuela, F., Iturra, P. & Poulin, E. (2012): Orestias gloriae,
a new species of cyprinodontid fish from saltpan spring of the southern
high Andes (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae).
Orestias gloriae Vila,
Scott, Mendez, Valenzuela, Iturra & Poulin, 2012
Villa-Verde, L., Lazzarotto,
H. & Lima, S.M.Q. (2012): A new glanapterygine catfish of the genus
(Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from southeastern Brazil, corroborated
by morphological and molecular data.
Listrura costai Villa-Verde
al., 2012
Walsh, F. & Tanaka, H. (2012): Cirrhilabrus
nahackyi, a new wrasse (Perciformes; Labridae) from the South Pacific.
Cirrhilabrus nahackyi Walsh & Tanaka, 2012
aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology,
18 (1): 1-8.
White, W.T. & Dharmadi (2012):
serratospinosus, a new serranid (Perciformes: Serranidae: Anthiinae)
from the island of Lombok in Indonesia.
Giganthias serratospinosus
White & Dharmadi, 2012
White, W.T. & Last, P.R.
(2012): Paracaesio brevidentata n. sp., a new snapper (Lutjanidae:
Apsilinae) from Indonesia.
Paracaesio brevidentata
White & Last, 2012
Wijkmark, N., Kullander, S.O.
& Barriga Salazar, R.E. (2012): Andinoacara blombergi, a new
species from the río Esmeraldas basin in Ecuador and a review of
A. rivulatus (Teleostei: Cichlidae).
Andinoacara blombergi
Wijkmark, Kullander & Barriga Salazar, 2012
Williams, J.T., Delrieu-Trottin,
E. & Planes, S. (2012): A new species of Indo-Pacific fish, Canthigaster
criobe, with comments on other Canthigaster (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae)
at the Gambier Archipelago.
Canthigaster criobe Williams,
Delrieu-Trottin & Planes, 2012
Wirtz, P. & Schliewen, U.K.
(2012): A new species of Liopropoma Gill, 1862 from the Cape Verde
Islands, Eastern Atlantic (Teleostei, Perciformes, Serranidae).
Liopropoma emanueli Wirtz
& Schliewen, 2012
Wosiacki, W.B., Dutra, G.M.
& Mendonça, M.B. (2012): Description of a new species of Ituglanis
(Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from Serra dos Carajás, rio Tocantins
Ituglanis ina Wosiacki
et. al., 2012
Wright, J.J. & Bailey, R.M.
(2012): Systematic revision of the formerly monotypic genus Tanganikallabes
(Siluriformes: Clariidae).
Tanganikallabes alboperca
Wright & Bailey, 2012
Tanganikallabes stewarti
Wright & Bailey, 2012
Wu, T.J., Ang, J. & Lan,
J.H. (2012): A new blind loach, Triplophysa lihuensis (Teleostei:
Balitoridae), from Guangxi, China.
Triplophysa lihuensis
Wu et al., 2012
Yang, J., Kottelat, M., Yang,
J.-X. & Chen, X.-Y. (2012): Yaoshania and Erromyzon kalotaenia,
a new genus and a new species of balitorid loaches from Guangxi, China
(Teleostei: Cypriniformes).
Erromyzon kalotaenia
Yang et al., 2012
Yaoshania n. gen. Yang
al., 2012
Type species:
Protomyzon pachychilus Chen, 1980
Yang, J., Wu, T.-J. & Yang, J.-X. (2012): A new
cave-dwelling loach, Triplophysa macrocephala (Teleostei: Cypriniformes:
Balitoridae), from Guangxi, China.
Triplophysa macrocephala Yang, Wu & Yang,
2012 (online pre-publication in 2011)
Zarske, A. (2012): Serrapinnus
sterbai spec. nov. Beschreibung eines neuen Salmlers (Teleostei:
Characiformes: Characidae: Cheirodontinae) aus Brasilien mit Bemerkungen
zu S. gracilis (Géry, 1960) comb. nov. und S. littoris
(Géry, 1960) comb. nov.
Serrapinnus sterbai Zarske,
Zawadzki, C.H., Birindelli, J.L.O. & Lima, F.C.T.
(2012): A new armored catfish species of the genus Hypostomus Lacépède,
1803 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the upper rio Xingu basin, Brazil.
Hypostomus kuarup Zawadzki, Birindelli &
Lima, 2012
Zhang, E & Zhou, W. (2012):
napoense, a new genus and species of labeonin fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
from Guangxi Province, South China.
Sinigarra n. gen. Zhang
& Zhou, 2012
Type species: Sinigarra
napoense Zhang & Zhou, 2012
Zheng, H., Xiu, L. & Yang,
J. (in press): A new species of Barbine genus Sinocyclocheilus (Teleostei:
Cyprinidae) from Zuojiang River drainage in Guangxi, China.
Sinocyclocheilus jinxiensis
Zheng, Xiu & Yang, in press (published
in 2013)
Zheng, L.P., Yang, J.X. &
Chen, X.Y. (2012): A new species of Triplophysa (Nemacheilidae:
Cypriniformes), from Guangxi, southern China.
Triplophysa huapingensis
Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2012
Zheng, L.-P., Yang, J.-X. &
Chen, X.-Y. (2012): Schistura prolixifasciata, a new species of
loach (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) from the Salween basin in Yunnan, China.
Schistura prolixifasciata
Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2012
Zhu, D.-G. & Lan, J.-H.
(2012): Rectoris longibarbus, a new styglophic labeonine species
(Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from South China, with a note on the taxonomy of
R. mutabilis (Lin 1933).
Rectoris longibarbus
Zhu & Lan, 2012
Zhu, D.-G. & Zhu, Y. (2012):
A new species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae)
from Guanxi, China.
Sinocyclocheilus flexuosdorsalisZhu
& Zhu, 2012
Zhu, D.-g. & Zhu, Y. (2012):
Description of a New Species of Parabotia Fish from Guangxi, China
(Cypriniformes: Cobitidae).
Parabotia brevirostris
Zhu & Zhu, 2012